Three of Pentacles…

There is so much to do this Thursday! I think you have likely been busy all day with collaborative projects. How many zoom meetings can one person handle?!? As you are approaching what needs to be accomplished and prioritizing the important elements, it’s vital that you listen and understand the full scope. Execution is so reliant on team work this time. So, these alliances you are slowly forming are, in fact, worthwhile. Let the ideas of others resonate as you tick off your to-dos. Inspiration will follow. While this day has felt exhausting, rest assured that, if you gave everyone your full attention, you are ready to create something incredible. Keep going, my friends…you are preparing in all of the right ways.

“Many ideas grow better when transplanted into another mind than the one where they sprang up.” — Oliver Wendell Holmes 

The Three of Pentacles - I don’t know what deck this is, but I love the image!


Two of Swords…


King of Wands…