The Ace of Wands…

Happy Monday! Your life is full of opportunity. Don’t yet see or feel it? That may be because certain kinds of possibilities do not feel enticing to you in this moment. But, if you take hold of them and commit your self to discovering what level of excitement they may invite, perhaps your entire existence would light up with creativity and inspiration?!? Listen, powerful prospects may require you to take a chance on something you hadn’t thought of as useful or necessary. Grab hold of that shot in the dark and see what kind of hidden magic lives there. Growth requires action and transformation demands dedication. Take a risk and then foster it and you will be rewarded with growth of fortune.

“To live, to truly live, we must be willing to risk. To be nothing in order to find everything. To leap before we look.” - Mandy Hale

The Ace of Wands from the Sacred Rose Tarot by Johanna Gargiulo-Sherman


Two of Wands - Reversed & Ten of Pentacles…


The Five of Cups - Reversed…