Two of Wands - Reversed & Ten of Pentacles…
Happy Tuesday! I’ve decided to work with my Sacred Rose Tarot Deck a lot more in my practice, so you will be seeing more of these cards. Why, you ask? I was drawn to buy this deck almost 20 years ago while I was in New Orleans, one of my most favorite magical places and I was excited to get to know it. Strangely, when I started to use it, it felt distant to me and indecipherable - so I set it aside. I am called to return to this deck because, I have learned over the years that even the most shy and aloof friends are longing to be understood. Usually, the messages they have to share are even more impactful than you might expect. So, here goes… Decisions are tough when it comes to forming a bond that will help you to build toward a more fulfilling future. If you are caught in a place of indecision today regarding something or someone that you feel incredibly passionate about - a personal sacrifice must be made. Purity and love don’t always meet eye to eye and you understand that you cannot hold on to this idea much longer. Give of yourself knowing that the atonement will inspire warmth and radiant promise in the years ahead. Though it may feel a bit out of alignment, do what you must do now to harvest spun gold and splendor in your future.
“Sacrifice is a part of life. It’s supposed to be. It’s not something to regret. It’s something to aspire to.” - Mitch Albom
The 2 of Wands (Reversed) & the 10 of Pentacles from the Sacred Rose Tarot by Johanna Gargiulo-Sherman