On our third day of magic for the New Year ahead, let us think on what we plan to create this year. The number three is the number of creation, after all. I asked my Tarot of the Witch’s Garden Deck, how we might best go about creating newness this year and I got this luscious answer - Temperance. Bring forth an easy, but colorful way of invoking your creative spirit this season. How can you assure that you will have the time, space and harmonious energy to give life to your beautiful dreams and honor your creative longings? If you were to paint a water-color of what you dream of, what colors would you use? You will need to establish a level of balance that ensures your success this year, so give and take is key to allowing time for what you truly wish to bring into being. Tonight, get creative in a vision-board way. Can you break out the crayons, the paintbrush or simply gather images online that will inspire you? Create something tonight that you can display in your office or bedroom which will remind you everyday to make space for creativity this year. Make sure it is lush, colorful and resonates with your personal vision. Happy Friday!
"You use a glass mirror to see your face. You use works of art to see your soul." – George Bernard Shaw
The Temperance Card from The Tarot of the Witch’s Garden by Sasha Graham and Natasha Ilincic