Four of Wands…

On day two of our magical adventure to prepare us for 2025, I pulled from my newest deck - the Tarot of the Holy Spectrum. This is an intriguing interpretation of the Four of Wands, but it definitely spoke to me in a provoking way. When we start fresh, we are inevitably leaving behind both the good and the bad of the previous year to embrace the unknown and welcome the new energy on the horizon. What are you closing the door on as we transition into the New Year? Maybe it’s time to get specific about it, so you can truly free yourself up for majestic and colorful living? Tonight, take a small piece of paper and drawn a line down the center vertically. On the left side make a list of all the good things/people/situations you have experienced that you would like to honor as you say goodbye. On the right make a list of all the not-so-good things that you would like to release - negative beliefs/behaviours/people. Meditate on how you would like to feel as you free yourself from both good and bad and think about the room you will be creating for yourself as you walk through the metaphoric door to 2025. Take that page and roll it all up in a ball. When you are ready, toss it into the nearest garbage pail - maybe tonight, maybe on New Years Eve, maybe on New Years Day… Feel the freedom and step into your own new dynamic kingdom!

"To let go is to release the images and emotions, the grudges and fears, the clingings and disappointments of the past that bind our spirit." - Jack Kornfield

The Four of Wands from The Tarot of the Holy Spectrum (Color Me Edition) by Chase Vorhees




The Seven of Pentacles…