8 of Cups - Chariot (Reversed)…

Your mind and heart are determined to race in the direction of the past, so let them! Do you remember that moment when you felt the pain of transition? When you stood alone and had to turn your back on something or someone of great emotional importance, so you might walk in the direction of greater light? Perhaps there was a taste of sadness and disappointment, but also the visceral experience of being completely and fully alive. Life moves fast, but it is those moments when everything slows down that we find the greatest clarity. Free yourself once more. Decelerate and take control of this juncture. Find the balance and courage within to prevail over an urge to rush in and just move at your own pace. Sometimes you have to let go of the reins and walk slowly, but confidently to reach a better destination.

“If passion drives you, let reason hold the reins.” - Benjamin Franklin

The 8 of Cups - The Chariot (Reversed) from the Light-Seer’s Deck by Chris-Anne


Three of Cups - Reversed…


The Three of Swords…