The Three of Swords…

This week your whole body and spirit are calling out to clear your conscience and free yourself of past wounds. Funny how the most spiritual disfigurements are attained, not because of the actions of others, but stemming from choices or activity we bring upon ourselves. Sorry for the “Tarot Tough Love”, but it’s time to come clean on the pain we are holding inside - the pain of regret, disappointment and remorse. So, this week you have three chances to pull out a sword in your heart and make amends. This might sound terrifying, but you should feel excited!!! Why hold on to fear and sadness that is stunting your growth? Evolve by owning up. Take responsibility and you will feel liberated. So, what are the three past mistakes that are haunting you most of all?Who needs or deserves that apology more than anyone else? Maybe it’s just a case of your own personal acceptance and self forgiveness? You get to decide. But, do the hard work of repenting - you will be liberated if you do.

“We’re all flawed heroes. Responsibility is power. Take responsibility for the consequences of your actions and the world is yours. Everything is a choice.” - Tom Hiddleston

The 3 of Swords from the Triumph of Life Tarot - Art by Jen Kruch


8 of Cups - Chariot (Reversed)…


The Eight of Cups…