A Two Card Wish for Halloween…
This Halloween and beyond, no matter how lost you feel as you work your way through the maze of life, I hope you always find your way back to the purest part of self. If you feel haunted or cursed, may you remember the power you hold within to conquer any demons that plague you. Whatever scares you, I hope you find the resolve to walk into that fear with determination and confidence knowing that no matter what happens, you will come out of it stronger. If you find yourself in darkness, trust your light within and when you connect with that light, share it with everyone you encounter - as they may feel as spooked as you. HAPPY HALLOWEEN, my pretties!
“One need not be a chamber to be haunted. One need not be a house. The brain has corridors surpassing material place.”- Emily Dickson.
The 8 of Wands & The 6 of Cups from The Tarot of the Haunted House by Sasha AWESOME Graham - It’s her birthday today - wish her a wicked one @sashatarotdiva