The Hermit…

As you emerge into the mischief of Halloween Eve, what kind of magic and light will you bring with you? The fog of the world around you is calling for you to step outside of your shell in a new way this evening. What part of you will be coming to the party? How will you choose to approach the dark and thrilling energy of a witching hour that urges you to emerge? Have fun, but don’t lose sight of your personal wisdom - use your internal light and deep knowledge to make uexpected magic for others in these dark hours. How might you use your mischievous sorcery to bring others together in a way that lights up the night with mystery? Proceed thoughtfully, but don’t shy away from the unknown.

“Every last one of us has a spark of mischief in our eyes, and that spark of mischief is what connects us all.” - Karl Wiggins

The Hermit from The Steampunk Tarot Deck by Barbara Moore


A Two Card Wish for Halloween…


The Ace of Swords…