Ace of Cups…


Often, we wait for opportunity to appear - hoping for that next big chance to be handed to us from the universe - a chance that will change our lives. But, don’t lose sight of what you may already have. In the deep waters of your spirit, there is a rich sunken treasure of dreams longing to bubble up to the surface. What exists in that cup that you hold so close to your heart? Sift through the jewels that you store there and you may find that precious essence or idea that could shift your path in an adventurous direction. Dive in, grab that gemstone and swim to the surface with it. Don’t hide the most sacred parts of who you are from the world - use them to illuminate your own destiny. Your existence presents you with opportunity every single day, because possibility dwells within.

“I happen to believe we are all walking repositories of buried treasure.” - Elizabeth Gilbert

The Ace of Cups from The Dream Walker Tarot by Cecilie Noctique


Seven of Cups…


The Five of Swords - Reversed…