The Five of Swords - Reversed…


Theme of the week - let go of old wounds. You have mastered the art of forgive and never forget. But, what do you stand to gain by holding onto a conflict that no longer exists? We all feel the pain when things do not go our way or someone we love and respect makes a choice that lets us down. Life isn’t always fair and people can be deceiving and self-serving. But, an old wound that doesn’t heal can become a target - a soft spot, so to speak. When you are triggered in this way, your recall of that trauma will only allow others to take further advantage of you. I know it’s hard, but it’s time to examine all the pain you’ve been holding onto and let some of it go - that’s right, forget it! Easier said than done, so figure it out this week - how can you release a few past scars? I’m going to whisper mine to the wind at dusk and let the universe take them into the heavens…

“If you spend your time hoping someone will suffer the consequences of what they did to your heart, then you’re allowing them to hurt you a second time in your mind.” - Shannon L Adler

The Five of Swords (Reversed) from the Aquarian Tarot by David Palladini


Ace of Cups…


The Six Of Cups…