Ace of Pentacles - High Priestess (Reversed)…
I’ve been sitting on this one all day. It was extremely exciting to see that Ace of Pentacles appear again (it was our card for the week). Opportunity for a better path does appear for us, but to be followed by that Reversed High Priestess makes me take pause. Is it possible that the potential that has presented itself is not what it seems? Are we so hopeful for change that we have painted it with unattainable expectations? Is our intuition misfiring in a way that will mislead us? Tread carefully and question everything. This can be a good thing, but we mustn’t distort it. My “just say yes” pull from Sunday is now more of a “consider yes, but get more information first.” Examine the problem from all angles to really know it’s right when you say “yes”.
"Problems can become opportunities when the right people come together." — Robert Redford
The Ace of Pentacles and the High Priestess (Reversed) from Tarot of the Witch’s Garden by Sasha Graham