The Hermit…

This card has been coming up for us a lot lately and it’s quite a big card, so I thought I’d dive deeper into what is historically represented in the card. Some of the earliest versions of this card do not feature a lantern at all, but rather an hourglass and the figure itself becomes more of a Father Time reference. He stands filled with wisdom and mysticism, but as it relates to the sands of time. Mountains appear later on the card as a nod to obstacles, but also elevation. Tonight, think on this - as we age we acquire so much knowledge overtime as a result of all of the challenges we have faced and the mountains we have been made to climb. So much that our older selves can hardly remember or recognize who we once were. Time moves at lightning speed, but we set our own pace. Moments of solitude are necessary to honor our progress in a way that can create a spark for others. Sweet dreams, my little hermits!

“I wish I had the power to flip my reality upside down like an hourglass, and that life wasn't a finite affair, but rather a perpetually recurring passage through a hole in time.” - Anne Fortier

The Hermit from The Slow Tarot by Lacey Bryant


Ace of Pentacles - High Priestess (Reversed)…


Eight of Cups…