Ace of Swords and Four of Swords…
Remember that time when you had to withdraw from the world around you in order to rescue your heart? That moment when you were so bereft that your mind descended down a never ending staircase of thoughts that twisted your psyche into believing you were invisible? At that moment your mind shut off, all was hopelessly quiet and you snuck away to hide. But, in your solitude you found a darkly beautiful path to restore your untethered longing. You listlessly curled up in rest and reconnected to the shimmer of light that still existed in your mind - that optimistic beam of self-belief that illuminated the truth of who you are. It was then that you could look within and hear the protective whispering of ancestors encouraging you to wake up gently and keep realizing your dreams. The love we feel for ourselves can often unravel and detach. I suppose my cards just wanted to remind you of that tonight - of how much you overcame in that moment of despair and just how protected and guided you are when you feel most alone.
“I wish I could show you when you are lonely or in darkness the astonishing light of your own being.”―Hafiz of Shiraz
The Ace of Swords into The Four of Swords from The Light Seer’s Deck by Chris-Anne