Four of Pentacles…

Feeling a bit protective of your personal and financial security? I don’t blame you - tax time is approaching and inflation is threatening to rob us all of our hard earned dollars. It’s ok to play it safe….sometimes. But, how can you hope to have exciting life experiences and meet entrancing people if you are stuck there with all your stuff. It may feel dangerous, but it’s time to take a few chances and either share what you have or spend what you have to encourage a moment of sharing. Why stay hidden just to stay safe? BORING. Good times await as soon as you free yourself of this self-imposed high security lock-down. Let go of some of what you are holding onto to gain so much more.

"Being rich is having money; being wealthy is having time."—Margaret Bonnano

The 4 of Pentacles from the Fenestra Tarot by Chatriya


Ace of Swords and Four of Swords…


The Two of Wands - Reversed…