Ace of Wands - Reversed…
Sometimes opportunity presents that isn’t all that exciting to you. Potential for change is here, but you are not feeling particularly passionate about it. But don’t be too quick to dismiss this developing prospect. It could be that your lack of drive is not about this particular situation at all, but actually points to your own fear and resistance to reach out and take hold of the unknown. Maybe your own spirit is just experiencing a general, lackluster haze of indecisiveness? Or perhaps you are worried that by diving into something new, you will be leading yourself in the wrong direction? I would say there is no wrong direction when it comes to growth. No matter which way you sprout, you will be learning and evolving towards a path of greater clarity and if you find out you are headed in a direction that you don’t like, you can change course. The only wrong choice is stagnation in this moment. Inaction will prove to intensify your malaise. So, it’s in your hands now - you can remain dormant or you can flourish…I say BLOSSOM!
“Be not afraid of growing slowly. Be only afraid of standing still” - Chinese Proverb
The Ace of Wands (Reversed) from This Might Hurt Tarot by Isabella Rotman