Seven of Pentacles…
Rewards come in many ways - a letter or card of appreciation, a favor returned, a nice big pay check, the satisfaction of a job well done…the list goes on and on. But, sometimes we are so hard at work, we forget to stop and take a moment to experience the payoff!?! Think of a garden - you prepare the soil, plant the seeds, water just the right amount and tend to what is growing every step of the way. But, when the time comes, you pick those juicy tomatoes or strawberries and indulge with delight. They taste extra good when you know you brought them to life! And, the beautiful flowers you nurture - when they blossom, you get to enjoy their vibrant colors and their perfume scents! So, whatever you have been working on in your work life - stop, sit back and indulge yourself in the beauty of all the progress you have made thus far! I promise it will make you so much more grateful for the work that is still to come. Happy Thursday!
“The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate!” - Oprah Winfrey
The Seven of Pentacles from The Crystal Visions Tarot by Jennifer Galasso