The Emperor…
I’m not surprised that this card is popping up today, with all of the political posturing on the news. There are so many different kinds of energies positioning themselves to be the ultimate rule setter -the head honcho of the free world. Sometimes when this card presents, it reflects a set standard of power - reliable, dependable and honorable. However, sometimes it requires us to challenge the rule of law and those appointed to decide it. Today, take a look at the people of power in your world and ask some questions. Poke them a bit. What is residing underneath their unbending demands, may feel a bit discolored. Challenge them and if you feel it’s necessary, provoke them. When it comes to power intention is everything. Make them clarify their personal agenda. You don’t have to always be the yes-man, especially when you prefer to scream, “NO!” Best way is not to scream no, but very gently ask them, “Why?” and keep asking that question until you get an honest answer.
“Power doesn’t corrupt people. People corrupt power.” - William Gaddis
The Emperor - Not sure what deck this is, but found the image just right for today’s Emperor pull. Do you know?