Day 19 - Tarot Challenge…

Rising to the top as we spin our wheel is the opportunity to set strong roots which will help us find greater foundation and security. Connect to those that provide the promise of proliferation and the loyalty you know you deserve. Hold on to what you have that is reliable and get ready for expansion in all directions. Let your roots grown down into the depths of the dirt below you to ground you with strength and let your branches and leaves reach for the sky and dance in the wind. Falling to the bottom is the emotional regret and guilt we feel about relationships left behind. If you had to slither away it was for good reason, so why hold onto the shame and disappointment of what was never meant to be. Release what weighs you down and makes you feel empty and strange. Hold on to what is tangible and let it and yourself grow toward possibility so you might anchor yourself in stability .

“A tree has roots in the earth, yet reached to the sky. It tells us in order to aspire, we need to be grounded and that no matter how high we go, it is from our roots that we draw sustenance.” - Wangari Maathai

The Four of Pentacles & the Eight of Cups from The Dark Wood Tarot by Sasha Graham


Day 20 - Tarot Challenge…


Day 18 - Tarot Challenge…