Day 18 - Tarot Challenge…

The recurring threat to our magic and how we may prevail are being revealed as we continue to spin the wheel in this October challenge. It’s clear from this draw that exhaustion is threatening to overtake us. Lack of motivation may recur, as thoughts feel imbalanced. Discord of the mind will try to overwhelm us and while the leaves fall away, we will be tempted to slack off into mindless distractions. But, if we continue to put the work in, what will help us truly fight the insidious evil of lethargy is well deserved rest. Instead of being lazy - welcome truly restorative slumber that is earned once you have put in the real work of what needs to be created, crafted or accomplished. Be mindful of self and choose gestation with purpose, instead of wasteful inactivity.

“Always keep in mind that training stimulates growth, but that actual growth takes place when you are resting.” - Arnold Schwarzenneger

The Four of Swords (Reversed) & The Seven of Pentacles from The Dark Wood Tarot by Sasha Graham


Day 19 - Tarot Challenge…


Day 17 - Tarot Challenge…