Day 22 - Tarot Challenge…

The spooky season is full of frightfully delightful thrills, but can be quite confusing. Decisions must be made on how to proceed in the winter months ahead, but maybe we don’t have to focus on such decisions today. What to channel in the here and now? A healthy disregard for important choices on the table. Life is so impermanent and there is no better season to remind us that sometimes we turn the smallest of issues into the biggest horrors in our mind - and what is it all for?!? The haunting reality is that if we need more space and time, our most terrifying obligations can always wait. Today tonight and for the whole week ahead, conjure more time and space for yourself by forgetting about all the decisions hanging over you. Ease into the cold, dark chill of mid-October with a commitment to a free mind and let your spirit linger in the abyss. Let your mind release the spirits that linger there.

“One need not be a chamber to be haunted. One need not be a house. The brain has corridors surpassing material space.” - Emily Dickenson

The Two of Swords from The Dark Fairytale Tarot by Gina M Pace for Lo Scarabeo


Day 23 - Tarot Challenge…


Day 21 - Tarot Challenge…