Day 23 - Tarot Challenge…
The longing for days of the past can fill the heart with a dose of vitality. A pinch of nostalgia for who you once were can help you full realize who you would like to be today in this dark web of October. Embrace the idea that the former you still dwells deep within and invite them into the the present moment to encourage juicer living. What might they say to you about who you are today? What lessons has that former version of self learned about “give and take” that you may need a healthy reminder of in the here and now? Don’t discount your past as guide map for infusing life with vibrancy. The spirit of who you once were can help you put your finger on the pulse of your deepest, darkest desires.
“There are such beings as vampires. Some of us have evidence that they exist. Even had we not the proof of our own unhappy experience, the teachings and the records of the past give proof enough for sane peoples.” - Bram Stoker
The Six of Cups (Reversed) from The Vampire Tarot by Robert Place