Eight of Cups - Reversed…

Emotional avoidance may seem like the best way to protect self, but there are some things you cannot walk away from. You may feel overwhelmed, disappointed and disillusioned by this moment, but don’t abandon the possibility that something here is worth saving. Before you cast this all aside and wade slowly into new territory, make sure you have submerged yourself in the feelings about it that scare you the most. There may be a bit of treasure deep down in the darkest part of that wreckage - something you will need for yourself as you enter new waters. Yes, this is a difficult time, but you must experience the depth and intensity of your own emotions to eventually feel the sun on your face. Pause, breathe deeply and let it all wash over you. You will know when the time is absolutely right to leave it all behind.

“Running away- we'll do it. Why sit around, resigned?
Trouble is, son, the farther you run, the more you feel undefined for what you've left undone…
And, more, what you've left behind. We disappoint,
we leave a mess, we die but we don't...” - Into The Woods - Stephen Sondheim

The Eight of Cups (Reversed) - Artist’s Rendering on Deviant Art


Magician - Moon - Six of Wands…


The Two of Swords…