Magician - Moon - Six of Wands…

This week is the perfect week to cast a spell, my friends! How you choose to use the gifts of magic that you possess will have the potency to make a lasting impact. If you long to be celebrated, it’s time to put your most hidden dreams into motion. Whatever you are working on, be brave enough to channel the infinite energy you possess to reveal your deepest secrets with your own brand of sorcery. The elements of yourself which you currently feel should remain under the surface are actually the ingredients of brilliance which will lead to great triumph. Celebrate yourself and others by illuminating the unseen dynamics of your own potential. How you use all the colorful dynamics of who you are will resonate with others. Trust your instincts and don’t shy away from your own power. Enchant the world around you with that veiled light you hold within.

“Magic is not about having a puzzle to solve. It’s about creating a moment of awe and astonishment and that can be a beautiful thing.” - David Blaine

The Magician - The Moon - The 6 of Wands from the Light Seer’s Tarot by Chris-Anne


The Lovers…


Eight of Cups - Reversed…