Eight of Cups - Reversed…

In your dreams tonight, envision a life free of any and all emotional baggage. If you were to kiss your cognitive understanding of the world goodbye and all emotional content spill out of your soul. As you walk a path of clarity in your dreams, inhabit your spirit as it is intended to be - free of restrictive preconceived notions based on past experiences. With each step you take, leave behind an imprint of any fear, doubt or sadness you carry with you and move forward with peace and purity of self. Open your heart to the cool, naked air and ready yourself to embrace the light on the horizon with joy and curiosity. Where does this magical path lead you and what is waiting for you in that glow of the dawn? You may be surprised what you find. Now, turn around and examine your footprints in the snow. If you travel back to your waking life and recollect each imprint - how has this experience changed the way you feel about that fear, doubt and sadness? When you wake bring this new feeling with you into your new day. Sweet dreams!

“When you let go of fear and the need to control, you’ll experience how mysterious, sacred and interesting life can be.” - Melody Beattie

The 8 of Cups (Reversed) from the Creative Commons Tarot Deck


The Death Card…


Ten of Cups…