Ten of Cups…

Grab your closest buddy and raise a glass together to the fabulous life you inhabit this weekend. Whether your days are full of activity or not, your glass is full of joy and cheer. Can’t see it or feel it yet? Welp, tonight is your chance to claim a brighter tone for your weekend ahead. Invite your bestie to help you initiate the magic that you both rightfully deserve - then honor your most recent accomplishments together. Feel gratitude fill your heart and plan the many ways in which you can honor yourselves and each other. Think dynamically about how you might do this and do not restrict your imagination about the euphoric tribute you can manifest. Experience all the love and joy that the universe has to offer this weekend. You deserve it.

“Raise your glass if you are wrong in all the right ways.” - Pink

The 10 of Cups - Image by Kelsey Showalter


Eight of Cups - Reversed…


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