Eight of Cups - Reversed…
Use this weekend to slowly stroll into past haunts - the ones you thought you had abandoned. Revisit those old neighborhood hangouts, reconnect with friends you were sure you had moved on from and if you want to, recall past loves, even the ones you swore to banish from your mind and heart. Why? Why not. Sometimes we just need to relive, re-experience and remember. In this revisiting of places and people you had left behind, what had you forgotten about yourself? Walking into your past can be incredibly revealing. So, as you welcome that which you pushed away, what are you rediscovering about who you were and are, why you left and what you truly want and need. You may find there were elements available to you that were perfectly fulfilling, but you just weren’t ready for them. You can’t move back in time and stay there, but you can claim the pieces of your emotional life that you love but left behind so you can move forward with greater clarity of heart. Have a divine weekend of exploration!
“The past will be your teacher if you learn from it; your master if you live in it.” - Dr. Steve Maraboli
The Eight of Cups (Reversed) from the Crystal Visions Tarot by Jennifer Galasso