Knight of Pentacles - Reversed…

You may feel very settled and grounded in your finances, but today is not the time to spend. Your security and financial health may not be as secure as you believe it to be, so err on the side of caution. Avoid any rash decisions or risky actions regarding your money. I know you REALLY want to indulge on that new item or book that flight to escape, but just hold off for now. When the timing is right, you will know it. Play it safe today and maybe into the next week. There are plenty of ways to have fun, be free and feel glamorous that don’t involve a spending binge. In fact, I know I’m posting this late, so I hope I caught you before you dropped that cash…if not, is it returnable? Sorry for the buzzkill…

“Do not save what is left after spending, but spend what is left after saving.” - Warren Buffett

The Knight of Pentacles (Reversed) from Sawyer’s Path Tarot by Jamie Sawyer


Five of Pentacles…


Eight of Cups - Reversed…