Eight of Swords…

Eight of Swords

Eight of Swords

Are you feeling a little trapped? Fun challenge for you tonight - close your eyes to find the way out. Sit in stillness with your eyes shut and ask the universe to free you. Wait there and connect with all of your other senses. What do you hear all around you? Which sounds jump out - the sound of your own breath, the sounds from outside in the distance? What do you smell in the air - the remnants of a dinner well cooked? What do you feel? The cool air on your skin? The rise and fall of your chest with each breath? The floor or the cushion supporting you? The answer you seek to feel more free likes within. You must connect mindfully and with your whole self to truly feel freedom. Your blockage is more in your mind than you think, so get into your body to find your way out.


Seven of Cups…


Queen of Cups Colliding with the Six of Pentacles…