Queen of Cups Colliding with the Six of Pentacles…

Queen of Cups and Six of Pentacles - COLLIDE!

Queen of Cups and Six of Pentacles - COLLIDE!

Powerful night - Winter Solstice and a rare celestial event, The Great Conjuncture in which Jupiter and Saturn will overlap and form a visible “Double Planet”. In my mind, I see these two planets colliding and conjoining, which is not entirely accurate, but the visual excites me! So, then I thought, maybe I should pull two cards tonight to reflect this event. What cards would my deck like to see collide together as an extension of this planetary fusion? The Queen of Cups smashes into the Six of Pentacles tonight. Powerful intuition and emotional connection meets fairness and the infinite possibilities of giving and receiving. Your introspection and creative thinking will fully manifest if you share it, evenly and openly. Those that are hoarding their power and status will find they can no longer refrain from reciprocity that is long overdue. All will reap the benefits of an unavoidable connection to community and the vivaciousness of universal alignment. How will you be a part of this powerful shift? What secret magic have you been brewing in silence that you can cast out to those around you? What amazing energy are you willing to accept from others as we move forward collectively? Light a candle tonight and feel your heart swell with the promise of union, charity and love. Be prepared to give it to get it, but get ready to feel the force of this new energy grow and multiply all around you! I love an unexpected collision of spirit!


Eight of Swords…


Six of Swords crossing over Nine of Swords…