Five of Swords - Reversed

Five of Swords (Reversed) from The Goddess Tarot

Five of Swords (Reversed) from The Goddess Tarot

Hey Gods and Goddesses - are you feeling a little dull and grey today? It isn’t just the weather. You have been holding on to a grudge that is weighing you DOWN! So you have been deceived, or you feel like someone has betrayed you. Yes, that feeling sucks - it literally sucks the life right out of you! You are drained because you are allowing this negativity to linger and damage your spirit. The longer you hold on to this, the more blah you will feel. So, how about playing a little round of “Forgive and forget”?!?! Whatever was said or done, it’s not worth all of that attention. So, take a moment today to truly find forgiveness in your heart. Reflect on the lesson here - perhaps that person or those people have taught you more about who you DON’T want to be to others! Thank them for this. Then forget it. Forget them. They are not worth your time anymore. You have too much to do and so much to look forward to, now that you have cast this negativity aside!


Two of Pentacles - Reversed


The World - Reversed