The World - Reversed

The World (Reversed) from Sasha Graham’s Dark Wood Tarot Deck

The World (Reversed) from Sasha Graham’s Dark Wood Tarot Deck

“The World turned upside-down”…I truly heard the music of Hamilton in my head when I pulled our card for Halloween! Yes, we are all turned upside-down right now. The World appears to us to be dangerously dangling like a carnival ride that has come to a screeching halt before the ride has completed its spin. At this precarious angle, we are all disoriented and stressed. The World rotates madly and sometimes we are violently jarred by the collective position we find ourselves in. This is that time. Halloween is also a time when the veil is thin and we celebrate a different perspective. In celebrating darkness over light, we are able to experience everything from a whole new perspective. What have you learned from these new viewpoints we’ve been thrust into? Perhaps, the World is shaking us from our comfortable, reliable boxes and pushing us out into the shadows for a reason. I have never enjoyed walking through a Haunted House - I hate jump scares and not knowing what is coming around the next, dark corner. Jokes on me - because life can be a bit of a Haunted House. Instead of hiding or running from it, maybe it’s time to feel our way through the darkness and learn from all of the gruesome and terrifying things we encounter. Tonight there is a Full Blue Moon on Halloween! I know you feel lost, scared, disoriented, disillusioned and so many other emotions right now. The World IS upside-down! Take these emotions for a walk under that magical moon. Ask that moon to help you see them all in a new light. What will emerge from the murky fog? Hard to say, but it could be illuminating.


Five of Swords - Reversed


Four of Pentacles - The Hanged Man - Two of Wands