Four Cards for Balance…


How can we best find balance this week? I decided to pull a card, but Four jumped out of my deck, insisting on being seen! It will be to our benefit to spend some meaningful time alone this week - not time with our eyes fixed on social media or time vegging out in front of the news cycle, but time to reflect on who we are. There may be a relationship rift or discord clouding our judgement. Now is the wrong moment to focus on this. Put this aside and embrace self - the answers to this situation lie within and will be discovered at another time. Be frugal with your finances this week. This is not a week to spend, but rather take stock of what you have and protect it. New passions are brewing and opportunity may appear that inspires you. Begin work on this slowly, but with enthusiasm. You are planting a seed which will grow into something beautiful! Balance will be established if you move with caution, protect your heart and money and reconnect with your true spirit and passion this week. Make yourself a priority and do not let outside forces shake your foundation.

“Balance is not something you find, it’s something you create.” -Jana Kingsford

The Hermit, The Lovers (Reversed), 4 of Pentacles & Ace of Wands from The Rider/Waite/Smith Deck.


The Moon - Reversed…


Seven of Pentacles - Reversed…