The Moon - Reversed…

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The anxiety and turmoil you have been experiencing is starting to lift! Tonight, when you are just about to drift off, see if you can imagine the residual traces of doubt leaving your pores and slowly evaporating into the night air. Ask your dreams to send you a message of what is coming to take its place and allow yourself to give in to the tugging of the dark, night air. There are new possibilities to be captured in your visions and musings during slumber. What is your psyche trying to convey? Intuition is sneaky and sometimes needs to be caught off guard. Collect these pieces of you. Write them down when you return to your bed in the morning from that other world. See if you can bring these elements into your waking life for new inspiration. Manifest the unseen magic within.

“Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it” - Roald Dahl

The Moon (Reversed) from The Deadly Tarot


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