Four of Cups…


Overindulgence can lead to a sense of lethargy. If you are feeling despondent about a current situation you are in, you might have yourself to blame. Motivation comes from within. It’s ok if you need a little breather - a little time to detach might do you some good, but there is more waiting for you than what you are seeing. So, take your moment to zone out and then….snap out of it! The day has just started - you can choose to lie about, glomming on your phone and feeling lost and useless OR you can down that extra chance to connect to something fun and inspiring and share a moment that matters with who is there. The choice is yours…but I know what I’m going to do - drink it up!

"The key is in not spending time, but in investing it." -- Stephen R. Covey

The Four of Cups from The Urban Tarot by Robert Scott


Ace of Wands…


The Page of Cups…