The Page of Cups…


Do you want to add a little color to your life? Look no further than your most curious friend. You know the one - that playful, dreamy friend that you have never been able to quite figure out, but love to have around. At times, they may seem strange to you - lost in their own understanding of the world and feeling their way from moment to moment. But, it seems they may have ideas that could enrich your existence. Reach out, invite them out and be curious about their personal brand of curiosity. Dive in to their weird way of interacting with life and be open to their crazy and explorative schemes! There’s a message there for you just waiting to pop up and color your life in a new way. If nothing else, you will have spent the day with their magical spirit, which will inevitably change your own perspective. This will either be a strange, delightful adventure of a day, or a life changing connection. It may be both, so go ahead and splash around in their essence!

“As soon as I saw you, I knew a grand adventure was about to happen.” - Winnie the Pooh

The Page of Cups - Artist’s Rendering from the blog, Trans-cendental Musings online


Four of Cups…


The Fool - Reversed…