The Fool…

Here’s an odd question for you - did you stop just once today to notice your posture?! We often move through our daily routines and work challenges with an incredibly hunched bearing. I know it sounds very minor, but mindless slouching can alter how we are perceived by others AND change the way we feel ourselves. And, yet, we allow our chests to cave in and our shoulders to round upwards as we cast our gaze to the ground quite mindlessly. If you have been feeling a bit detached or defeated, the way to shift the energy you are experiencing might be as simple as realigning your carriage. Tonight, take a minute to meditate on this Fool Card - head up, arms open and leading with the heart. Sure…he may be terrifyingly close to the edge of a cliff, but unabashed confidence does benefit from a little danger. The concave posture is safe, but not serving you. Make a quick study of this card tonight and then see if you can let your physicality inhabit it tomorrow! If you truly want to experience the world through a dynamically colorful lens, it’s time to strike a new pose, my friends - one of joy, confidence, curiosity and purity of spirit. Give it a shot - you may be surprised at the reaction you get from others as well as the fullness of life you feel inside.

“A good stance and posture reflect a proper state of mind.” - Morihei Ueshiba

The Fool - Artists Rendering of the tradition Rider/Waite/Smith depiction


The Lovers - Reversed…


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