The Lovers - Reversed…
The true magic of love lies not in the romantic and idealized early moments of togetherness, but rather in the way you approach all of the challenging difficulties you face as a couple. Even when this card presents upright, it offers more questions than answers (much like love). So, if you are thinking that a relationship is the answer you are seeking or some kind of magical healing bond that you need and deserve, perhaps you are setting yourself up for the heartbreaks you will continue to encounter?!? I know - that’s so harsh….but if you feel disappointed, let down and deceived by love, it’s time to start asking yourself some very strong questions…”Who am I in a relationship?” “What can I bring into the world of another person that I adore?” “How hard am I willing to work when I find the person that fits best?” And, keep in mind - it’s not the “perfect” person, but rather the person that “fits best”. If you have ideas that you can change another to make them fit, return to the questions above. Love is hard work, but when it’s supported by the best of intentions, it’s pure magic.
“Love has nothing to do with what you expect to get, only with what you are expecting to give - which is everything.” - Katherine Hepburn
The Lovers (Reversed) - Artist’s rendering