Judgement - Reversed…
I asked the cards this morning how to deal with all the nonsense people throw at you and the general chaos swirling around in the atmosphere from day to day. The deck doled out a dose of reality - reversed Judgement was the answer. Do you want to come out of the clouds to a clearer picture? It’s time to strip away your own brand of bullshit and open yourself up to the meaning underneath it all. People have wildly ridiculous expectations because they are experiencing the situation from their own perspective, which can be colored with a lot of their personal baggage. Get to to root of their reasons why without judgement and you will be able to free yourself from a your own codependency cycle. In fact, finding the core of your own expectations and what drives you, may also help to alleviate your negative thinking regarding others. We are all experiencing the world in our own, unique ways. A simple understanding of this can go a long, long way.
“There were two ways to be happy: improve your reality, or lower your expectations” ― Jodi Picoult
Judgement (Reversed) from the Aquatic Tarot - Art by Andreas Schroter