The Ace of Wands…
For the weekend ahead, a fresh new possibility for growth blows in to remind you of your potential! This is a warm breeze that embraces you with security while it whispers to you to dream bigger. You may find yourself feeling excited for no reason and full of creative ideas. A positive energy within you has taken root and is ready to spring forth and stretch toward the hazy, late summer sky. In this calm excitement, explore all of the ideas and thoughts that pop into your mind and heart - especially the ones that make you smile. And, if you feel extra courageous - send your new found joy out into the world around you in small, hopeful doses and see how this energy comes back to you in surprising way. Let those small surprises enhance your cheerfulness and delight in the understanding that you have begun to cultivate promising things for yourself and others! Make a wish and let it fly…
“The most fantastic, magical things can happen and it all starts with a wish” - Pinocchio
The Ace of Wands from The Slow Tarot by Lacey Bryant