Judgement (Reversed) & Nine of Wands…

You’ve had a long day…a long week…maybe a long year. The burden of all the hard work you have put in to achieve certain goals has begun to way heavy on your soul. Though you may feel worn down, you are not worn out, as you understand there is still more work to be done. But, the really tricky thing is, you have started to lose sight of your original intention - the true purpose of why you set out on this journey. Truthfully, you were so driven to succeed that you left the meaning of it far behind you. It’s still calling to you from the distance - harkening you to remember the reason behind all that you do. Try to recall the music of your true intention. Think back on what motivated you so long ago. That magic is still there - you just need to reclaim it. You only need to answer the call.

“Purpose is the place where your deep gladness meets the world’s needs.” - Frederick Buechner

Judgement (Reversed) into The Nine of Wands from the Dreaming Way Tarot by Rome Choi



