
You may be called today to step in as a kind of mediator in a situation that is unbalanced. Listen intently to all sides of the argument and absorb the tiny details that will give you the information you need to be impartial. Close your eyes and trust that you understand the fair way to bring this conflict to a resolution. You may not feel like you want to be the one in this position, but you are because of the inner strength and depth of knowledge you already possess. You will know exactly what is the right thing to do, so trust your gut. Also, be kind and compassionate when you deliver your verdict. You were meant for this moment.

“Conflict is the nature of the world. Comfort is the nature of the self. Amidst the conflict, seek comfort.” - Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Justice from the Incidental Tarot by Holly DeFount


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