
The music of life calls to you - can you hear it? In its harmonious tune, you will hear a multitude of voices that are singing to you the secrets you have been trying to decipher and understand. You have a colorful opportunity to be reborn, even if you don’t feel it within. Life is short, so take full advantage of the songs you are gifted with. Listen to the melodious sounds all around you - that rich, vibrant humming of the world. It is inviting you to a more authentic and fully realized version of self. Why wouldn’t you embrace this beautiful vulnerability and sacrifice the mundane in order to evolve? In fact, don’t just listen to what is calling to you - let the music inspire you to rise up and dance.

“Those who dance are considered insane by those who cannot hear the music.” - George Carlin

The Judgement Card - Art by ArtCASIMIR on Deviant Art


Nine of Swords…


The Four of Swords & The King of Pentacles…