The Four of Swords & The King of Pentacles…

When you look back on your day, your week, your year, which card reflects more of who you have been and where you find yourself today? In my “other life”, I spend more than a little time in and around creatives and artists. Often, they feel as though they are not where they want to be or think they should be and you can see that their artistic spirit is a little sleepy because of their perception of self. But, I’ve spent so many years in my industry that I’ve had the incredible privilege to see so many young, budding talents mature and find their way to varied kinds of success over the years. We all will arrive to our “King of Pentacles” era, if we put in the hard work and trust that who we are meant to be is evolving in the best way as we are moving through our days. Sometimes, we are so exhausted we can’t see it, but we will find our fullest sense of self if we just keep going. So, maybe today you were the King of Pentacles and you can look back and thank that Four of Swords. And, do not take for granted those Four of Swords people in your life - they will eventually join you when they find their true purpose. On the other hand, maybe you were experiencing the tiredness and longed for restoration of the Four of Swords, resting in the hope that you might advance toward the King of Pentacles. Know that you will. No matter where you find yourself and how you may feel about your personal efforts, keep going and trust. Sweet dreams on a Tuesday! And, thank you to all of the young performers who have inspired me over the years…

“You’ve gotta believe in yourself, and you just have to work harder at it than you’ve ever worked at anything before in your life. And if you keep doing that and keep believing in yourself, great things do happen.” —Kate McKinnon

The Four of Swords & The King of Pentacles from the Cosmic Cycles Tarot by Miriam EG




Three of Wands…