King of Cups…


It’s not surprising to me that at the moment I decide I want to ask the deck about love, all of these cups come swimming to the surface! King of Cups presents today to remind us that emotional life, especially in love, can be quite delicate and unpredictable. If we are to master it, we’ll need to take ownership of our emotional effect on others. In a true flow of give and take, we all must navigate the murkiness and rockiness of emotions to ensure our loved ones feel safe, despite the onslaught of waves. With the right person, you will always wear your heart on your sleeve and reassure them that you can be a balm in stormy weather. Think about the reliable fluidity you bring to the relationship and how that person depends on you to go with their ebb and flow. Are they doing the same for you? Be the person you want them to be - flexible, buoyant and leading from the heart.

“Love was like the waves in the sea, gentle and good sometimes, rough and terrible at others, but that it was endless and stronger than the sky and earth and everything in-between.” - Veronica Rossi

The King of Cups - Artist’s Rendition for The Slow Tarot - Lacey Bryant


Page of Cups…


The Eight of Cups…