Page of Cups…

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And, the cups keeps appearing!!! Page of Cups evokes that first love/new love feeling - the idea that you have found a treasure to be explored and deciphered and all at once, you have all of the answers but know nothing at all! When you meet someone new that you instantly click with, it can feel like a world of possibilities has been opened. You may become cautiously entranced and delighted as you dance into the shiny, new emotions you encounter. It’s true, that the start of things is always magical, especially when you are open to them without fear or judgement. Discovering a new love is one of only times in life that nervous butterflies feel right and being completely lost can excite you. In what other avenues of your life can you channel this energy? First Love/new love euphoria can be useful in many other life situations you encounter. Think of ways to bring this bliss to your every day routines. Magic is everywhere - I promise.

“The way you feel when you kiss them for the first time. Like fire within your bones. Like your soul has returned to the water. Like every part of you that came from a dead star is alive again.” - Nikita Gill

Page of Cups from The Robin Wood Tarot by Robin Wood, The Witches Tarot by Ellen Dugan & Artist’s Rendering by Kaitlin Mills


The Queen of Wands (Reversed)…


King of Cups…