King of Wands…

If you had a wand full of your own personal magic and you could use it to do just ONE thing tonight what would you do with it? Think about this carefully, because your magic burns with a fire that can either illuminate or incinerate the world around you. And, what you bring into being could circle the full globe and come back to you and wildly spark a new perspective in your passions or strike you down on the spot rendering you powerless. What would you set in motion and take a chance on with one flick of your magic wand? How much of an impact would you like to make with this one little wish or desire? You may not have the wand in your hand, but if you have the desire in your heart, you can find other ways to use your magic to awaken your dreams. Go for it - Light up the sky!

“That’s how you came here, like a star without a name. Move across the night sky with those anonymous lights.” - Rumi

The King of Wands from The Allain Tarot


Three of Wands - Reversed…


Star (Reversed) Into the Three of Swords…