Star (Reversed) Into the Three of Swords…
I know we are so close to a holiday- close enough that you are ready to check out. I don’t blame you -you deserve to disconnect from the thoughts that hold you hostage! BUT (there’s always a but…) there is something truly important that is on your mind and in your heart so deep that you cannot simply just release it and check out. So, this week meditate on that particular thing which truly needs your attention. Your focus should be on the core of what truly matters to you…what YOU need in order to simplify and restore your life and the lives of others around you. You have the power to remove the worry, fear and doubt from your own mind AND the minds of those you love…so DO it. I know you don’t want to think or work so hard, but I promise if you focus with intention on the issue that is calling to you, you can conquer it and alleviate the heaviness that haunts you and others in your world. FOCUS on fixing that thing that plagues you - you can heal yourself AND others!
“The things that matter the most in our lives are not fantastic or grand. They are the moments when we touch one another.” - Jack Kornfield
The Star (Reversed) from The Fey Tarot by Riccardo Minetti and Mara Aghem and the Three of Swords from the Morgan Greer Tarot Deck by Bill F. Greer