Knight of Knives (Reversed)…

Monday is greeting you with trepidation and alarm. There is so much ghoulishness on your mind today! You may feel an irresistible urge to take action, but please do not make any rash decisions. Maintain a somber and pallid demeanor - do not slice so quickly at the unfamiliar and unforgiving threats that surround you. If you spin into a reactive approach, the consequences of your response will cut even deeper than the predicament you face. So, let it all haunt you a bit more, as scary as that sounds, and you may find a more proactive solution hidden in the middle of all of the chaos. Sometimes, you just need to sit in the cloudy doubt of it all and ponder life’s dilemmas, trusting there is a way out.

“Only the wise possess ideas; The greater part of mankind are possessed by them.” - Samuel Taylor Coleridge

The Knight of Knaves (Reversed) from The Vampire Tarot by Robert Place


Knight of Pentacles meets The Fool (Reversed)…


The Five of Pentacles…