The Five of Pentacles…
Feeling a bit cursed at the start of your week? You may experience an unexpected sense of hopelessness and despair creep in, especially when it comes to your personal security and financial wellbeing. No matter what wicked spell has been cast on your soul, it’s important to recognize that you can pull yourself out of this desperate trance. Support is always nearby if you need it and you hold the necessary magic within to transform your outlook. In the spirit of Halloween, it’s time for you to cast a counter-hex. First, recognize and accept the sorcery that is being offered to you from the universe, then hatch a plan to reverse that curse. How can you use the gifts you do have to expel all of the darkness you feel inside? Once you rid yourself of that paralyzing feeling, you will be able to build upon the abundance being offered in a way that will allow you to have the wealth that you crave. Dispel the spell and invite enchantment!
“That was her magic - she could still see the sunset even on those darkest days.” - Atticus
The Five of Pentacles from The Mermaid Tarot by Leeza Robertson and Julie Dillon